Helena's House
We’re embarking on our most ambitious project yet
– to aquire our own BestLife house.
Inspiring independence
A group of friends, teenagers and young adults living with disability, regularly sharing a house for a few days or a week, supported by qualified people who know and understand them.
A house that is as familiar to them as their own home; that is welcoming, accessible, safe, fun!
A place where young people will create friendships and special memories together as they continue their journey to independence and opportunity.
That will be Helena’s House. The next chapter in the BestLife story.
A unique space where our young people will practice independent living skills and develop the emotional resilience needed to gradually transition from the family home to a life of their choice, with people they know.
Our goal
BestLife aims to purchase or build a five-bedroom, two bathroom home in Brisbane, where we can create exactly the space our children need – accessible bathrooms, an open kitchen where meals can be prepared and shared, a physical therapy space, and a safe, sunny garden with room for a veggie patch.
Helena’s House will support our children’s essential next step on their path to a more independent life – one that is safe, secure and guaranteed.
Acquiring the house will:
• Eliminate the vulnerability and risks of renting
• Be capable of accommodating up to four young people for sleepovers ranging from one night to a week or more
• Enable expanded services
• Improve operational efficiency
It is not a permanent living option for just a few, rather it’s a central point where young people can develop and thrive.
It’s a big dream but we’re so excited to bring it to life.
In honour
Named in honour of Helena McIlwain, a beloved member of the BestLife family who passed away aged only 19. Helena worked with BestLife and dreamed of becoming an Occupational Therapist. Her enthusiasm, passion, and sense of humor embody everything we want Helena’s House to become.
Naming our house in her honour will keep her memory vibrant as the children she loved grow in confidence and independence.

You can help make Helena’s House a reality
Our fundraising target is $2,640,000. To find out how you or your organisation can make a difference call us on
0459 707 850.
Amount raised
We're almost there!
As Ambassador of Helena’s House, I believe everyone should have the opportunity to learn to live with friends in an environment that’s safe, supportive, and fun.
I look forward to the day Helena’s House is a reality. As Helena would say, ‘Let’s smash out the day and live your best life!